K-On The Movie: A Betrayal of its Series and Genre - Part 5 - Cultural Festival & HTT Friendship Decimation



Looking back on the London trip so far, it's been a huge waste with how little time was spent on these characters enjoying the place as they did sightseeing and how much it completely sidelined anything that would justify London being the location of their trip. But maybe, just maybe, things will pick up with the final two days of the trip. I can at least hope for that, right? Well, we'll never know until we continue, so let's get right back into ripping into this clusterfuck.

Yui is out walking in the middle of seemingly nowhere as she tries to think up of lyrics for Azusa's song, and after a while, Azusa teleports into the scene to tell Yui that they're about to leave, but as she runs over, she slips on what looks to be an icy surface before it cuts away 2 seconds afterwards. And all I’m left wondering is what was the point of that? Like, that wasn’t even presented as a funny cute girl falling over gag, it just kinda happened before cutting away. But what really gets to me about this is that it showed Azusa showing concern, and looking like she’s gonna go over to help Yui, but instead of showing that, we just cut to the next bit. Why cut that out? Why have this happen?

Then we cut to HTT at a music store, and you'd think they'd be checking out all the stuff that ties into UK music culture, especially given that Mio has been shown to be heavily interested in that, and was the main reason she wanted to come to London in the first place. Well, nope, instead, while Yui continues to focus on coming up with ideas for Azusa's song, they primarily focus on the fact that a guitar model that's the same as Yui's is in the store! Are you actually kidding me with shit?!? Is this movie even remotely capable of doing anything that can slightly justify London being the location of the graduation trip?! Anything at all?!? What is the point of having these characters go on a trip in an entirely different country when all you're gonna do with it is just go "Yeah, you know these things the characters used in the show? They're also in London for some reason!"? And the crazy part is that the show knew better in the episode Field Trip, where HTT go on a 2 day school trip to Kyoto. Putting aside the fact that the 22 minute episode covering a trip that only lasts 2 days has a better grasp of having the characters enjoy it to its fullest potential than this movie covering a 5 day trip, there's a scene where Yui and Ritsu wanted to visit a music store, and the episode was fully aware of how stupid and redundant it was, because they wouldn't get anything new out of that compared to the multiple new things Kyoto has to offer compared to what they have at home.

If a trip to a place that's already in Japan feels more worthwhile and substantial than a trip to a place that's in an entirely different country, you know that something's gone wrong with the latter, and it's embarassing how pathetic the London trip is at being a trip at all. Also, where the hell even is Yui's guitar model in this scene?!?

The movie wants me to believe that it's where Azusa is pointing, but the shape of that white guitar does not look like a Gibson Les Paul. Here's a back to back comparison of the guitar Azusa's looking at, Yui's Gibson Les Paul, and a white Gibson Les Paul that I found via a quick Google search.


It's blatantly obvious that the white guitar Azusa's pointing at does not look like the other two guitars in any capacity. And when you look back on the shot to try and see if the guitar model is anywhere else, nothing resembling a Les Paul can be seen! It would be embarassing if the guitar model was just in a different spot from where Azusa was pointing, but the fact that it's straight up not there means that they've just wasted more potential of the London trip to pay lipservice to something that isn't even there!

Now what the hell's going on here?!? Or more specifically, what is going on with the person behind them? Their face does not look even remotely humane, and if they’re just wearing a mask, why is no-one else in the area even remotely bothered by a horrifying figure casually walking through the city? Or the fact that they’re following a bunch of girls presumably way younger than them? And why are they more smoothly animated than anyone else? Much like making Gordon Ramsay from the sushi bar more darkly lit, it just looks incredibly tacky. Why not just show the front of the person so we can see how terrifying the mask truly is instead of just plopping this inhumane being on the screen from the sides and calling it a day? Furthermore, how did HTT even end up in a situation where they were being followed by this tacky fuck?!? Why are they being followed by them?!? Nothing in this sequence makes any sort of sense! But even with all this insanity and being out of breath when this scene ends, Yui is dead set on trying to come up with song lyrics for Azusa because one of her best traits has been, still is and always will be, her determination to go to any lengths for the sake of her friends.

All 5 of them decide to rest on a bench when Ritsu gets a call from Kawakami, who got word from Maki that they’re also in London and wants to set them up for a live performance at a pop culture festival that takes place tomorrow afternoon, followed up with a discussion as they contemplate on whether they should accept while they shop for stuff, waiting for Kawakami to text them all the details. I say “discussion”, but we don’t actually get to see any of it. Instead, we see Yui continuing her talk about sending messages between time zones before Azusa says...

 ...and then we cut to who knows how long later when they’re out of the store with Ritsu asking if they should decline. Sure would have been nice if we actually saw any part of the actual discussion regarding this, because right now, I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t take part. But if Azusa wanted Yui to keep quiet, surely they had a really important discussion taking everything into consideration. Once again, I wish we could have actually seen that, but, whatever. It turns out that Yui actually wants to do the live performance because she thinks they're pretty lucky to get this opportunity at all, confident that it won't end as disastrously as the sushi bar, but Azusa tells her that's not the problem here? Then what is? I have no idea because the entire conversation y'all supposedly had was just skipped past. And as it turns out, Mio and Mugi also want to do it, so they all agree to accept the offer and send a reply to Kawakami together saying that they're gonna join. Unfortunately, immediately after they accept it, Azusa decides to tell them something.

Is this why the conversation was never properly shown? So we didn’t think about the fact that they never considered that they had to catch their flight back tomorrow? Why wasn’t this brought up at all from anyone? Look at how much time seems to have passed between now and before they went to the store.

Earlier, it was still pretty bright, but now it’s a bit dark, and not once was this contemplated on, especially considering how reluctant all of you were to go along with the performance?And if we accept that only Azusa caught onto that, why didn’t she bring it up at any point? Less than a minute ago, she told Yui to stop talking because she was supposedly stopping a decision from being made with her blabbering, but this just confirms that no conversation was actually had about this because the time for the flight back is the only issue with partaking in the performance that we’re made aware of, meaning that if there was no other problem that came with taking part in it, why was there any reluctance to begin with?!? And it just continues to make Azusa a colossal bitch because first she acts dead inside towards Yui merely existing, then she acts annoyed by her just looking in her general direction, and now she’s getting her to shut up for still wondering how timezones work because she was sidetracking a conversation that they never even had to begin with! 

With the information this movie’s given us about this scene, Yui didn’t sidetrack shit, y’all just wanted an excuse to shoot her down for her curiosity! And it can’t be a case of them just simply not wanting to perform during their London trip, because after Yui said she wanted to do it, it takes a total of 4 seconds for Mugi to say she also wants to do it, followed up with Mio nodding her head in response! Why did it take them so long to contemplate on it if at least 3 out of 5 wanted to actually do the entire time?! WHY DIDN’T YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT THIS?!? Oh, and things become even more broken when it’s revealed that they need to be at the airport by 5:00 PM, and their performance time takes place an hour before that. If Azusa knew the exact time for their flight back, then there’s even less of a reason for her to not have brought up that shit earlier! And when did Kawakami send you those details? If it wasn’t until they agreed to the performance, then make that another colossal dick move on her part, but if it was sent before that, did nobody bother checking the time details before agreeing to it? And if they did, then my point stands even stronger and is even more infuriating to think about! With the way this scene is structured, it's not a case of HTT wanting to go through with performing even in spite of the time crunch they have. It's a case of them going through with it before they knew they would have had one and the only character to show any enthusiasm to perfom after the fact is Yui, who is confident that they’ll make it back on time once they finish doing their performance. And what does she get in response?

Literally what else could it be? Yui imitating a pair of scissors? Unless this is implying that it’s odd for Yui to do a peace sign, but why would that be the case? Ignoring the fact that she’s actually done the peace sign before, why would it be out of character for her given her personality? Oh right, her being motivated to perform and being kind and generous to her friends is also out of character for her. I almost fucking forgot. But that absolutely pales in comparison to what Azusa says in response to this.

Oh, so this is what you doubt Yui on?!? Seriously?!? You treat her reassurance as if it doesn’t really mean anything, heavily doubting her determination, yet you don’t doubt the broken idea of Yui holding herself back a year when there’s so much evidence implying the opposite?!? Are you actually serious?!?  Okay, you know what, this is my breaking point! What the hell has happened to the friendship between Yui and Azusa in this movie? This is nothing like the dynamic between the two that I knew from the show. “But Azusa was always annoyed by Yui in the show. Did you just forget all the moments where she’s clearly annoyed by Yui’s affection?" I'm going to hav to stop you right there. People have kept telling me that their dynamic and relationship boiled down to nothing but Azusa being annoyed by Yui all the time, and I am so fucking sick of this bullshit circulating across the fandom! So let’s look into what the character dynamic between Yui Hirasawa and Azusa Nakano was in the original series, and how K-On The Movie defiled everything about it.

You are absolutely correct about one thing only. Whenever Yui decided to give affection to Azusa, she was either annoyed by it or was apathetic towards it, plus some other annoyances she may have with her across the series, like putting stickers on everything, not practicing as much as she should etc. But these annoyances do not define their relationship because it’s very clear that these two form a really close connection throughout the show. In Another Training Camp, when she’s at a point of voicing her complaints about Yui to Ui, she still shows happiness when asking her about what Yui’s doing on that day. Later on, it becomes clear that, despite her issues with Yui, she still has strong admiration for her, as showcased in the scene where she's suprised by the revelation that she has perfect pitch and can tune a guitar easily without even knowing what a tuner even is, and after a practice session alone with Yui, alongside an entire day of fun at the training camp, she is able to tell Ui that she actually practiced at the training camp and admitted to her being warm and sweet.

In Light Music, she’s the most worried when Yui comes down with a cold, furthered by the fact that Mio doesn't seem to have much faith in her making a recovery in time. Then, when Yui pushes herself to come to school despite not having recovered from her cold, she requests Azusa to take lead guitar for her, which almost drives her to tears as she declares...

...and on top of that, she’s the most hurt when Yui didn’t come into the club room immediately upon recovering from her cold. Now, one could just interpret this as Azusa being hurt by the idea that one of her bandmates wouldn’t be able to play in the school festival concert when she wants everyone to partake in it, but what follows this up really showcases the friendship between the two, because Yui then goes up to hug Azusa, telling her that she’ll give it everything she’s got alongside everyone else and that she’ll make it the best concert ever, and in an incredibly rare instance, Azusa embraces Yui’s hug as she puts her hand on top of her arm. One would think that she’d never ever do it under any circumstances given how she usually feels about Yui’s affection, but that makes this moment all the more raw.

Hug GIF - Hug GIFs 

And all of these are just from Season 1. There's still plenty of highlights showcasing just how much Azusa cares about Yui in Season 2. In Drummer, Yui is coming up with ideas for how to solve Ritsu's dilemma of feeling like she never gets any spotlight as the drummer and at one point, she mentions being on drums herself as she and Azusa are walking home, causing the latter to respond with this.


She could have just easily told Yui that she can't be on drums because she's the lead guitarist, but she ends up saying this instead. Remember, she had a lot of admiration for Yui's guitar skills as demonstrated in New Club Member and Another Training Camp, and this moment sublty proves that admiration is still there because she actively wants to be by Yui's side, watching her play and go all out during performances. And near the end of the episode, Yui gets some cake on her face, and despite showing clear denial when she requests that she wipes it off for her, Azusa goes ahead and does it anyway as if she never hesitated to begin with, showcasing that she’d be willing to do something for her even when she’s annoyed at her.

In Rainy Season, Azusa shows more admiration for Yui when she learns that she got herself soaked to ensure her guitar didn’t get wet. In Finals, when Yui puts herself in the position of practicing for a talent show on top of studying for exams all by herself, Azusa shows no hesitation with joining the talent show with her and doing the best she can to help her study for her tests when she gets confirmation that she really is putting all this effort in. In Hot, during a heatwave that the entirety of HTT is suffering from, Azusa goes to get a water bottle for Yui. Really think about that. She is also dying from the insane heat, but in spite of that, she not only put in the effort to get a water bottle from somewhere, but also when she could have gotten that water bottle for any of the other girls or even just herself, she decided to get it for Yui specifically. And in Yet Another School Festival, this is what she says about Yui when she and the other HTT members are introducing her.

And it’s apparent on Yui’s end, too. Putting aside her undisputable affectionate love for Azusa, there are a multitiude of moments where she's a true friend to her. In Light Music, she entrusts Azusa with the role of lead guitar in the off chance that she doesn’t recover from her cold by the time the school festival concert starts, and gives Azusa a softer hug than usual as she comforts her when she’s upset over her not coming into the club room immediately. In Seniors, she shows immense dedication to wanting to recruit new club members so Azusa isn’t alone following the third years' graduation. In Staying Behind, Yui was shown to be the one texting Azusa the most when she and the others were on their Kyoto field trip. In Late Summer Greeting Card, Yui is the one who is pulling Azusa along with her in the scene I broke down in the first part of this analysis, really symbolising how close Azusa is with Yui compared to anyone else. And in Graduation Ceremony, she’s the one to go up to Azusa when she’s breaking down into tears, gives her a plaster when she sees that she hurt her head, and hands her some graduation gifts before initating the song that they end up playing for her in the end.

And even if you look past the major moments of their friendship, there are a lot of moments throughout the series where Yui and Azusa just enjoy spending time together, and their overall dynamic of Azusa’s dry or annoyed responses bouncing off of Yui’s easygoing nature leads to some of the most hilarious moments in the series, including, but not limited to:

Azusa’s expression upon seeing Yui lying on the floor fanning herself in Another Training Camp...


...this entire love triangle bit in Rainy Season... 

...Azusa’s response to Yui’s cat drawing of her in Finals...

...their comedic act at the talent show in the same episode...

...and several instances like this during the portion of Upperclassmen where Yui and Azusa are alone in the club room.


Yui and Azusa’s relationship and dynamic was consistently phenomenal throughout the series, both in terms of entertainment value and the pure wholesomeness of it all. It is an undeniable fact that they have one of the strongest bonds out of anyone in the show, which is really saying something, and what they have together has resulted in some of the show's best scenes, whether they be comedic or incredibly heartwarming.

Absolutely none of this is present in their dynamic in K-On The Movie. It’s been entirely reduced to Azusa being annoyed by Yui’s mere existence 24/7, and seeing her as unreliable and useless while Yui just takes all of it without a care in the world. There were many hints of this before this point, but it’s been incredibly apparent since the stupid semi-conflict started. Because of that shit, one of the most entertaiining and sweet dynamics in the series has been bogged down to a frustrating SpongeBob and Squidward-esque dynamic, and the fact that so many people, including the director of this series, are convinced that their relationship has always been like this is actually infuriating to think about.

But as if that wasn't bad enough, Yui’s being torn down for her reassurance and determination once again! Only this time it's even worse because it's now being painted as if it means absolutely nothing! Okay, we need to go back to Yet Another School Festival for a moment, and look at what Mio says about Yui. 

I guess this was a hollow sentiment this entire time given the responses Yui received in both instances where she tried doing that very thing in this movie! And this particular response doesn't even make any sense. At what point have the characters ever relied on Yui to do something, only for her to not be able to do it to justify Azusa seeing her as so unreliable that her efforts to be reassuring don’t mean anything? Because there sure wasn’t a single moment like that in the series. In fact, Ritsu’s the one who has proven herself to be unreliable on several occasions, especially with how she always forgets to sign forms for stuff like permission to use the school auditorium for HTT's performances and requesting an air conditioner for the light music club, and yet Yui’s the one who’s being painted as such?! And let's just put Azusa's bit of praise in that same episode and her response in this movie back to back to really show how problematic and straight up insulting this is. 

This gives the impression that Azusa was straight up lying in Yet Another School Festival, and the thought of that being the case is frustrating to think about because it essentially undoes a strong moment at the climax of Yui's character arc. And to top this atrocity of a scene off, Ritsu and Mio have deadpan expressions when Yui tries giving her encouragement here, but a second after Azusa treats said encouragement as if it means absolutely nothing, they smile as if they agree with that! What the fuck?!? Who even are these characters anymore?!? Not only has more damage been done to Yui and Azusa’s dynamic here, everyone being in agreement that one of Yui's best traits means fuck all completely nullifies everything they said about her in Yet Another School Festival! Piss off with this bullshit!

So immediately after Yui is torn down for trying to give encouragement to her friends, we cut to night time where they’re discussing Azusa’s song again. Oh wait, no they’re not, they’re actually discussing Yui’s translation of Gohan wa Okazu. When Yui mentions that she translated "Gohan wa sugoiyo" as "Rice is super", Mio questions if it's a bit too literal. Uh, why would it be? Huh? What is Mio even saying here? How is "rice is super" too literal? It’s not even a fully inaccurate translation because putting it through Google Translate, you get “rice is amazing”, and I’m pretty sure amazing is a synonym for super. Either way, your remark makes no sense. 

They go through the rest of the translation, and Mio and Mugi are able to piece together what each translated line means. How are they showing more competence in piecing together Yui's English translations than they ever have at any other point in this movie where those skills would have actually been useful? Also, this scene makes another problem with this London trip incredibly clear! 

Mio has been shown to have the best grasp of the English language out of everyone else, and has been shown to be heavily interested in English band culture,yet this is the only one line of English dialogue she ever speaks throughout this entire trip. But even so, it's heavily debatable if that counts given that she’s reading off of Yui’s translation, yet Yui and Ritsu, who, I'd like to remind you, had an entire scene in Career about how they couldn’t bear to see written English and went on about how they don’t need it, are the ones who speak English the most in this movie! The irony here is so unbelievably insane that it would be something that one of the characters would lampshade at the very least, but because this film is allergic to being in line with the show’s comedy, there is no self-awareness to this whatsoever! Glad to see more potential for literally anything in this movie be thrown out the window again. Anyways, they decide to go through the song line by line trying to translate it. I genuinely can’t wait to hear the translated version of the song be played at the performance. But I probaby shouldn’t expect that too much given how sloppy Yui’s understanding of the English language is, so it would be incredibly farfetched to expect her to sing a song in an entirely different language. Sure hope nobody expects that. 

Later on in the night, Yui suddenly wakes up because she just came up with an idea for Azusa’s song, but is disappointed that she can’t remember it upon awakening, and it’s not long before she falls back asl- 

OH, MY, GOD! AGAIN! AGAIN! YOU FUCKING REPEATED THE NIGHTMARE AGAIN!!! Now, I’m not saying it’s impossible for her to have repeated it at all, since I’ve heard from several people that they’ve actually experienced dream repeats before. The issue here is that Azusa having this same nightmare about Yui holding herself back a year 3 nights in a row speaks volumes of how much she’s holding onto that thought. It’s at a point where rent is a non-existent concept in her mind now! At this point, I'm straight up done with giving any benefit of the doubt regarding this abysmal semi-conflict! Since Azusa’s so hellbent on the idea of Yui holding herself back a year, I’m going to tear her nightmare further apart because there’s one major issue I never mentioned until now that shatters the credibility of it even more. Even if Azusa had a perfectly justifiable reason to suspect that Yui was gonna hold herself back a year, or if Yui flat out confirmed it in earshot of Azusa, why would it even be a bad thing for her? Really think about this for a moment. The idea of Yui holding herself back a year is presented as something that would be terrible for Azusa based on how her dreams are presented, and it’s further pushed by the fact that she ends up not sleeping well every time she has the same dream. But why? 

I’ve already broken down how strong Yui and Azusa’s friendship was in the series, and I could present all that as proof for why Yui staying back another year wouldn’t be a living hell for Azusa, but I need to fall back on Entrance Exams again, because that was the episode where the graduation of her fellow bandmates was really starting to get to her. And even in this movie, when Sawako mentioned that they were all graduating, Azusa made a subtle expression implying the sentiment that was established in Entrance Exams.

Now that we’ve covered that, why doesn’t Azusa ever consider that one of her closest friends sticking with her for her final school year would be somewhat relieving? To her, it would be a great way to lighten the emotional weight of the eventual graduation off her shoulders. Also, ther was the implication of Ui and Jun joining the light music club once HTT graduated in Late Summer Greeting Card, who were also two people that Azusa formed a close connection with throughout Season 2. Add on the fact that Yui staying back a year means that the light music club has zero chances of getting disbanded, which would be another thing that Azusa would no longer have to worry about, and there's pretty much no reason at all for Azusa to feel any sort of distress or worry over the idea of Yui holding herself back a year. “Well, have you considered any of the other problems that would come with Yui staying back a year?” Hmm, what other problems? I can't think of any drawbacks t- OH RIGHT, NOW I REMEMBER! Okay, yes, I am aware that Yui staying back a year would be a really bad idea when taking everything into consideration. The rest of the band would definitely have issues trying to handle things without either one of their guitarists, and it would undo the efforts they put in to go to the same college together. But the movie never brings any of this up. It only focuses on how it would be for Azusa, and as it stands, there is absolutely no reason to believe it would be a hellish nightmare for her like the movie is trying as hard as possible to make you buy into. 

And I also have no reason to believe the next set of interactions between Yui and Azusa coming up actually happened. Because following the next morning, Yui notices that Azusa is sleepy, and in response, Azusa specifically says that she didn’t sleep well because of a dream she had about her, describing it as a really weird one, and then, without hesitation, tells her that she’s keeping it a secret. I’m sorry, what? What was the point of doing this? Like, seriously? What was Azusa’s thought process here? If she had absolutely no intention of telling Yui what her dream was, then why would she even bring up the fact that said dream was about her? The way I see it, Azusa is pretty much telling Yui “Yeah, you’re the reason I couldn’t sleep well, and I’m not gonna elaborate because fuck you”, and not only is that another instance of bringing Yui down for her mere existence, it’s also completely stupid because this would have Yui think about what kind of dream she had about her. Or was the entire thought process "Just be dickish to Yui because she's an annoying piece of shit who's 100% gonna hold herself back a year!"? Wouldn't exactly put it past her at this point. Actually, wait a minute, why doesn't Yui think about what Azusa said further? No, really, Yui never seems to think about the fact that Azusa had a dream about her after this scene. Picture this. If a friend told you that they had any sort of dream about you, and didn’t tell you what it was, would you not even be a little bit curious about what it might be? Even putting that aside, just three scenes ago, Yui continued thinking about how sending messages between time zones work two days after she initially brought it up on the flight. Her not showing even a little bit of curiosity over Azusa having a dream about her after she brought it up seems a bit at odds with that, all things considered.

But whatever, it’s revealed that Mugi requested her piano to be sent all the way to London, just in time for the cultural festival concert they’re ready to do, and apparently anything that happened in-between the scene where they left and when they actually arrive is completely irrelevant despite them only showing up an hour after they’re supposed to perform. Couldn't any of that time have been used to show HTT exploring London some more so we could actually get to see them enjoy it on their final day? No? Okay, then. We cut to the girls heading towards the cultural festival and meet up with Love Crysis again, where Maki tells them that they’re playing on the outdoor stage. Oh, remember in the previous part where I said that the stupid moment of Yui causing an appliance to spark electricity was gonna become crucial later? Well, we’re at that point now. And oh boy, is there a lot to unpack here. 

As the girls are setting up their instruments, Yui is about to plug her guitar in, but before she does, she remembers the event at the hotel where she nearly got electrocuted, and as a result, is insanely hesitant to plug it in, turning to Azusa for some reassurance. And I kid you not, absolutely nobody here considers doing anything that would actually help her. Instead, we have Azusa treating Yui like a moron here. Seriously, listen to the tone of her voice in this clip.

She sounds absolutely baffled that Yui would even consider for a single second that an electric shock would come out of plugging her guitar in. No! Azusa would never act this way when one of her friends has a justifiable fear when she scolded the others for not taking Mio’s fear of potentially being stalked by someone seriously in the episode Tea Party. She was literally right there when Yui nearly got electroctued by that appliance, for Azu-nyan 2's sake! Why doesn’t she think to help her here?! And if your response to that is,  “Oh, but there’s a huge difference between plugging in an appliance and a guitar cable, so Yui’s fear here isn't  justified!" then let me let you in on a few things. Being unsure of doing a thing in case something terrible happens is a perfectly justifiable fear, especially when it’s regarding potentially getting electrocuted, and it is possible to get electrocuted from plugging a guitar cable in under certain circumstances, and even if that wasn't the case, it's clear that Yui wouldn't be able to make that connection when she's currently frozen in fear at ths very moment. 

There are a few easy solutions Azusa could go for that would only take up a few seconds. Either plug in Yui’s guitar for her or plug in her own guitar to assure her that’s nothing wrong. Or tell her that plugging in a guitar isn’t the equivalent to plugging in an appliance to assure her that nothing will happen if she does the former. Also, remember when I brought up how Azusa is willing to do something for Yui even when she’s annoyed at her? Well, with that, I can say that even in her current baffled state, she could still take either of these approaches to at least get it out of the way so Yui isn’t stuck trembling in fear forever when they need to start their concert in about two minutes. But instead, in spite of her being confident on the fact that Yui is stupid for fearing that she’ll get electrocuted, she fucking turns to Mio fior backup! Why?! Literally why?!? Yes, Azusa admires Mio the most out of the band, but that doesn’t equate to her being so incompetent with helping out one of her friends without the assurance of her favourite senpai. Why is Azusa acting like she can’t handle this herself when she seems pretty sure that Yui is a moron for her current fear? She doesn’t need Mio’s backup on this! But will Mio be able to help at all? Well, let's see what she has to say.

Okay, I guess this makes enough sense given that there are other moments in the series where Mio has visualised something that’s horrified her to the point of freezing from fear herself… 

...except for the fact that they're showing her looking at the London Eye as she's saying this, implying that she still sees spinning things as a sign of things going wrong! Really?!? This movie still wants to roll with this fear?!? She was literally on this very London Eye earlier and she loved being on it, so how does she still see it as a bad sign?! Stop dragging out a fear that Mio shouldn’t have even had in the first place as if it still makes any sort of sense! You had a perfectly justifiable reason to have Mio be too scared to help Yui already set up for you, and instead, you went with continuing her bullshit fear! But that’s not even the worst part! Because when Azusa sees that Mio is also horrified, she's just like "Even you, Mio-senpai?" as if she has no fucking idea on what to do! Easing Yui’s worries to any degree is not even remotely hard! Why are you making it seem like it is? Then Yui asks if anyone in the audiences has any idea if she'll get electrocuted or not and Azusa acts even more baffled by that. Look, I get it, trying to ask the foreign fuckers would not lead anywhere, but you really don’t have the right to be treating Yui like more of an idiot when you’ve made it crystal clear that she can’t turn to you for help when there are several quick and easy solutions for you to take!

I'll give Mugi this. She actually attempted to make some sort of suggestion to help Yui. It's definitely a huge step up from Azusa just acting baffled and Mio further pushing Yui's fear. Unfortunately, this suggestion is straight up broken. Literally 2 seconds ago, Yui got treated as more of an idiot for wanting to ask the English speaking audience for help, but I'm supposed to buy that asking the English speaking staff would be a valid option? Also, this would prolong Yui's fear than help take care of it as soon as possible. Here's what Mugi would have to do; look for a staff member, ask them to check if the guitar is safe to plug in, bring them over to the stage, and finally have them plug it in. And assuming it would take a minute for Mugi to even find a staff member in the first place, this entire process would result in 3 minutes of Yui being left in a state of fear, compared to the mere seconds it would take for either of these characters to handle it! Also also, this just further confuses me on what level Mugi's reliability with English is on. She can mistranslate two of the most basic words in the English dictionary, and can't properly translate sentences at a normal speaking speed, yet she would have been capable of going through the process I just brought up with the staff without screwing up or mistranslating anything? Can I get some consistency with this?! Please?!?!?!? We don’t even get to see Ritsu’s reaction to any of this, so for all we know, she’s just sitting there watching this bullshit go down while also making no effort to help. What happened to all of you?!? 

There are so many solutions that any of them could have taken to solve this easily: Either remind Yui of the fact that plugging in her guitar didn’t cause any electrocutions at the sushi bar, or if that takes too much time to remember, how about trying to reassure her with words so she feels confident, or maybe going over to plug in Yui’s guitar for her, or, like I mentioned earlier, have Azusa plug her own guitar in to check if it’s alright. All of these obvious, quick and easy options are available to these girls, and they decide to take approximately 0 of them because isn't it so fucking hilarious to see Yui get treated like absolute garbage at every available opportunity?!?

You know what? Fuck it all, I’m just gonna say it. This is a horrific representation of the friendship between the main cast, especially in regards to how Yui is treated by others throughout the series, and much like with how Yui and Azusa's dynamic and friendship are portrayed in this movie, I am not gonna take anyone trying to say that it was always like this. So let's break down exactly how strong the friendship between Yui and the rest of HTT was.

There are many elements that make K-On so amazing, but the #1 thing that I think carries it more than anything is the friendship between the main cast. The amount that they were willing to do for one another was the beating heart and soul of the series. I could go on listing every single instance of this to get that point across, but for now, let’s cover everything that they did for Yui. From the very first episode, when Ritsu, Mio and Mugi join the light music club, they spend a while waiting for a new guitarist to join so the club won’t be disbanded and they can complete their band. And they seem to have a hope spot when Yui decides to sign up, immediately treating her to some tea and cake when she arrives. But when she admits that she can’t play guitar, and joined the club because she thought they play easy instruments there, they do whatever they can to keep her from leaving because in spite of their crushed expectations, and the fact that they can wait a week longer for an experienced guitarist to join the club, AND the fact that both Ritsu and Mio already saw how much of a klutz Yui was, they’d rather help someone like her learn guitar than risk the light music club getting disbanded. And in the episode right after, they have no issue with joining Yui in taking temp jobs to help her save money for a specific guitar she really wants, even though there are cheaper options available for her that she can easily buy with her current allowance, with Mugi later taking advantage of the fact that her family owns the music shop to “haggle” the man at the desk to lower the price so Yui can afford it.

In Cram Session, they show continuous worry in regards to Yui studying when she has to take a make up test when she fails her midterm exams, and when their texts of encouragement don’t work, Mio is quick to suggest a cram session to ensure that she does pass, and she manages to do so with flying colours by the end of the episode. In Freshman Reception, despite Mio refusing to sing at the freshman reception concert after what happened to her at the end of the first school festival performance, when she realises Yui forgets the lyrics as they start playing their song, she covers for her without a second of hesitation for the first verse waiting for Yui to eventually remember them.

In Light Music, they all show great amounts of concern over Yui getting sick days before the school festival concert, to the point where Mio is unsure if she'll even get over it in time. And then, when Yui arrives in the club room acting like she's recovered from her fever despite the fact that she hasn't in the slightest, Mio sees just how determined she is to perform with everyone and after also seeing how upset Azusa got with Yui asking her to do lead guitar for her, she tells her this..

I cannot understate how much I love this moment. This not only serves to show exactly how much she wants Yui to get better, but also affirms that she’s confident that all 5 of them will be playing at the school festival concert, even with her initially wanting Azusa to take lead guitar in case the worst case scenario happens. And this is what gives Yui the boost she needs to rest up enough to get over her fever and come to the club room, ready to perform with all of her friends. Topped off with one final moment where upon Yui rushing into the concert with her guitar after going back to get it from her house, breaking down into tears over the fact that she feels like she causes problems for everyone, RItsu tells her that they all think she is the greatest before they get on with the concert.

In Rainy Season, they show no hesitation with spending a good chunk of the school day helping Yui dry off when she comes to school soaking wet as she tried to ensure her guitar didn’t get caught in the rain, and properly drying off her uniform when the substitute outfits she tries wearing make her stick out like a sore thumb. In Finals, although Ritsu and Mio didn’t take Yui’s idea to join a talent show seriously at first, they reveal the next day that they were actually contemplating joining her, even in spite of the fact that they also need to study for exams and the fact that Yui actively wanted to do it herself so she wouldn’t get in the way of anyone else’s studies. And in Yet Another School Festival, they have no qualms with going along with whatever Yui says and does during their final school festival concert, all leading up to a moment where she is given the best description imaginable by her fellow bandmates. 

All of this on top of the things Azusa has done for Yui that I mentioned when I was breaking down how amazing their friendship and dynamic was. Showing strong admiration for her even when she has her complaints with her, admitting to her being sweet and warm, nearly being driven to tears when Yui wanted her to take lead guitar, being the most hurt when she didn’t come into the club room immediately leading to one of the few moments where she embraces Yui’s affection, showing no hesitation with joining her at the talent show, etc, etc. Of course, there are moments where they made remarks towards Yui’s more airheaded moments, but they feel perfectly justified most of the time, helping create a strong dynamic between them, and none of those instances dampen or outweigh all the moments where they’re willing to do anything for her. No matter how many times I come back to any of these scenes, I always have the biggest smile on my face, especially knowing that their friendship beng as strong as it is allows one of the most emotionally powerful scenes in the series to be incredibly effective.


MEANWHILE, in the broken, incoherent world of K-On The Movie, RItsu, Mio, Mugi and Azusa have no qualms with treating Yui like a sack of shit at every single turn! Between taking pictures of her when she’s embarrassed, feeling the need to make remarks towards her even if they don’t even make sense in the given situation, treating her as out of character for trying to energize and motivate them, having no compunctions with abandoning her whenever she gets into situations that inconvenience her, and, as presented in this scene, not bothering to do a single fucking thing when she’s justifably fearful over something and is instead treated like a complete moron while her fears are being neglected! “Oh come on, it’s not like Ritsu, Mugi and Azusa were obligated to help Yui in this situation.” Yeah, because a band as close knit as this would just leave one of their members in a fearful state because they “had no obligation to help”, but fine, I’ll humour you. Allow me to apply this argument to any of the other wholesome moments of friendship across the series. 

Why did they bother joining Yui in taking temp jobs in Instruments? It’s not like they had any obligation to. There were much cheaper options and it was on Yui for forgetting to buy one in the first place and joining the club with zero guitar experience anyways. Why did they help Yui dry off in Rainy Season? It’s not like they were obligated to. They still had their class to attend to and it’s Yui’s own fault that she got wet in the first place, so they shouldn’t have bothered. Why did Mio cover for Yui when she forgot the lyrics to Watashi no Koi wa Hotchkiss in Freshman Reception? She had no obligation to do that. If the concert went wrong, it would have been all Yui’s fault for forgetting the lyrics. How far can I stretch this sentiment until it breaks?! Oh, I know! Why in the world did they decide that they should keep Yui from leaving the light music club in Disband the Club?! They had no obligation to do that when they still had a week left for an actual guitarist to join their club, and Ritsu and Mio having seen how goofy Yui was earlier. 

See how easy it is? If I pushed the “no obligation” argument this far, the show would never have made it past the first episode. And if you don’t think it can apply to any of these moments, please explain to me how it makes perfect sense to apply it to a situation where Yui is worried over possibly getting electrocuted. Because I just don’t see how that’s plausible. “Well, duh, have you not heard of miscommunication? It’s a common thing in anime, so why is it a problem here?” Yeah, because these characters have had several moments where they’ve had problems communicating with each other properly. Oh wait, no, they haven’t. At all. So that doesn't apply in any capacity here, especially given where this movie takes place in the canon timeline!

But we're not done yet, because there's one thing about this scene I didn't touch on  yet. While all this insanity was going on, a mysterious person was walking up to the stage with a suitcase, who proceeds to forecfully take the guitar cable from Yui's hand and plugs it in in a way that causes Yui to trip over and hurt herself from the fall, with everyone else being too distracted to even remotely care about that. Oh my god, just stop with the Yui torture! I can't take any more of this character being dragged through a fucking mud field! And seconds later, we see that it was none other than Sawako Yamanaka who showed up! 


sigh Okay, just to clarify, the issue here isn’t that she suddenly just appeared in London. Her teleporting into scenes has always been a running gag throughout the series, and it was even done earlier in this movie. My problem here is, why now? A minute after she shows up, they cut to the eventual concert, and that’s nowhere near enough time to be able to do anything meaningful with her. She had hilarious dynamics with the other characters that were amazing to see unfold throughout the series, and she was just one of the funniest characters in general. She could’ve added something to the London trip if they had her show up any earlier. And her only having this little time brings me back to what I mentioned about her appearance during the first 10 minutes of the film. What is the point of even giving her an establishing introduction like that if she was only going to appear in one other scene where HTT were putting together their travel itinerary and only get a minute's worth of screen time in London throughout this scene? Not to mention how the time gap between these two scenes is approximately 46 MINUTES AND 26 SECONDS!!!  I wonder if Naoko has an explanation for why her screentime is this minimal.

Yamada: It made me happy that we were able to take advantage of delving into the characters previously. There were a lot of things that weren’t able to be shown in the TV series. However, getting Sawa-chan to appear in London was quite troublesome. (laughs) It was challenging to show that without having the audience feel like they were being fooled or going “why’d she show up?”

It- It was challenging to- WHAT?!? Did you forget that you had several jokes in the show where she just teleported into scenes with no proper explanation?! Well, clearly you didn’t, since, once again, you made a joke like that during the start of the film, so why was there suddenly a thought process to having her show up in London? Where the fuck was this mindset when you had Sawako teleport into Yui’s house when she had no way of knowing where it was in the episode Christmas? No, seriously, absolutely no-one would have cared about Sawako showing up seemingly out of nowhere when her appearing in scenes out of nowhere was the ENTIRE FUCKING JOKE! But now that logic has to be applied to this specific instance, her being here is just straight up baffling! 

No worries, though, we'll get an explanation for all this soon. However, we first have to see if they have Sawako do anything substantial in her limited tim- Nope, instead, we just have HTT being so surprised she's here that Yui thinks she's an illusion and Mio thinks that her ghost arrived in London, which is just confusing. Is this meant to be a joke about her being old?! What is going on here?!? And I don’t care if they can’t believe that Sawako’s here, because their reactions here are as if they think it’s a gigantc impossibility for her to be here for any reason, even though she was right in the club room when you were all discussing the travel itinerary, meaning that she was in the know of you going to London for your graduation trip. Not to mention the fact that you didn’t act this braindead when you came across Love Crysis after the sushi bar scene, where it was debatably less plausible for them to be in London, plus the fact that neither band knew that the other would end up being here! What is happening anymore?!? 

Okay, now it's time for Sawako's explanation regarding how and why she's in London. The reason she’s here is because she saved up flyer miles on her card that were gonna expire soon. Then she says that she arrived last night and will be returning tonight, also revealing that she was the person who tried calling them at the hotel earl… STOP, STOP, STOP! We need to slow this the fuck down! There’s so much wrong with what Sawako just said that I don’t even know where to begin dissecting it. They want you to buy that Sawako tried calling their hotel room and then got on a flight to London, but absolutely nothing about this makes even a little bit of sense. For one, how in the hell did Sawako know exactly which hotel room to call when she wouldn’t have been in London at the time she called if she arrived the night before today? I find it incredibly hard to believe that the rooms HTT stayed in are the only ones in the hotel with a phone. 

For another, how did she even know which hotel to call in the first place? Barring the fact that the Ibis has several locations within London, something that the movie itself mentioned, HTT didn’t even know the location of their hotel, nor did they ever mention it to Sawako when she was in the room during the discussion of the travel itinerary, so there’s no way that Sawako could have known that she had to call any Ibis in the first place, But even if she somehow knew, there’s still the issue of not knowing which specific one to call. Unless you want to say that she made a guess and called the one in Earl’s Court, which in that case, wow, how lucky that she was able to call a line at the exact Ibis hotel that HTT just so happened to have booked. And it’s not only lucky, it’s also an insane leap of logic when you take into consideration that she presumably never tried calling them again or attempted to call any other Ibises and just went straight to booking a flight to London after not getting an answer from them. The only way this would make sense is if Sawako secretly came to London and tried calling the Ibis in Earl’s Court from another Ibis that she happened to find, but that cannot add up since the movie establishes that she arrived last night. 

And for my final point, how in the flying fuck did Sawako know to track HTT here?! Since she somehow knew exactly what hotel HTT were staying at and the exact location of it, why did she not think to go there as soon as she arrived in London? Because as it stands, there’s zero way she could have known about them attending the cultural festival to perform because their “discussion” for deciding to attend took place throughout the afternoon and Sawako arrived at night. This could all be handwaved with Sawako being Sawako and not making sense, except for the fact that the director literally tried to add logic to the joke of her teleporting into scenes. You can’t just ruin the whole point of a running gag because you didn’t want the audience to be fooled and thinking why she showed up at all, only to have her say this shit that’s even harder to buy if you put even the slightest bit of thought into the logic. By that point, I have the question that you didn’t want the viewers to have to begin with: WHY THE FUCK DID SAWAKO SHOW UP?!? She doesn’t get enough time to even do anything substantial, the comedy they pull with HTT's shock of her being here is baffling, and what she contributes to the story only serves to break it even more.

Anyways, Sawako reveals that she got kunoichi outfits for them to play in, we see pictures of Nodoka, Ui and Jun in those outfits, Ritsu turns them down before unenthusiastically telling everyone to get ready to perform, and then we cut to the performance with Fuwa Fuwa Time being briefly played because you can’t have a K-On movie without having that iconic song in somewhere. Then again, you also can’t have a K-On movie without the fun character dynamics and strong friendship that were at the heart of the series, and they both got annihilated, so who knows at this point? Yui tries to do some MCing, but is then stopped by Ritsu who reminds her that they have to catch their flight soon. Yeah, did you like the moments during the performances in the show where Yui did some entertaining MCing and wanted to see that be carried over to the movie? Yeah, well, forget it, they don’t have time for it. Yet another instance of shooting down any ounce of potential fun the movie could have had. It’s genuinely baffling how consistent this is, whether it be the characters enjoying London or recurring gags and quirks present throughout the show.

Then HTT start playing Gohan wa Okazu, and that's when the performance fully kicks in. I want to lay back and enjoy the performance, since, much like the Curry Nochi Rice performance at the sushi bar, this song goes hard and the cinematography and shots are amazing, but unlike that performance, there are so many issues with this for me to be able to appreciate it. Problem #1: Gohan wa Okazu is a song we already heard in the show, and we don’t get to hear any of the extra verses to justify a full replay of it. Problem #2: It’s not even a thematically unique song for this movie because we already had our rice themed song when Curry Nochi Rice was played at the sushi bar. Problem #3, and this is the most prominent issue...

This internal exchange once Yui starts singing implies that they expected her to sing the song in English? WHY?!? LITERALLY WHY ARE YOU TREATING HER LIKE THIS?!? RItsu, listen to me, we are dealing with a girl who had no idea London was even located in Europe until Azusa told her. In what world do you expect her to have a perfect grasp of the language in situations that would heavily benefit from understanding it? You had that same attitude at the sushi bar and it was just as stupid there. And it’s even worse on Mio’s end because, for one, she can actually translate English to the others and read it perfectly fine, so it makes no sense that she would expect Yui to be able to do that, and for another, she was literally the one pointing out how Yui’s attempts to translate the song didn’t really work, and yet even with that, you wanted her to sing the song in English?
I think both of you should understand that foreign languages are far from Yui’s strong suit, because hers is, in Mio’s own words, sharing her energy with the people around her and giving them the same level of determination she has. Oh wait, I forgot, y’all shot that sentiment down earlier! What is this movie?! Who are these characters anymore?! 

Unless I’m expected to buy that Yui actually COULD’VE sung the song in English if she wanted to, which in that case, the criticism would shift to, why waste that?!? Aside from the stupid cultural shenanigans that occurred while they were trying to get to their hotel, absolutely nothing that has happened during this trip has justified London being the location that these characters go to. If at least some parts of the song were sung in English, I might have been able to give it credit for having English culture play a fundamental role in a major scene. But no, the entire song is sung in Japanese! Boy, if you were going to throw away the potential of having HTT in London AGAIN, why not just have another scene dedicated to discussing a significantly more important song instead of wasting my time with this translation bullshit that either goes nowhere and is just another set up with no pay off to add onto the mountain pile that the film already has or only serves as a buildup to continue the garbage treatment Yui’s been getting this entire movie! 

And no, the verse where Yui starts naming London landmarks does not justify any of this. Not only does it hurt to listen to, and not only is it not even a fully English verse, but the translation scene isn’t even needed to justify it because Yui mentioned most of these landmarks in her projected voice earlier, and the only reason Yui decides to sing this extra verse at all is because she saw a cute baby in the audience, which is an odd catalyst for this verse happening at all, but that’s besides the point, which is that utilising Gohan wa Okazu here just doesn’t work no matter how you look at it. It’s safe to assume that they only picked this song because it was the third to last one played in the show so it can be followed up by U&i and Tenshi ni Fureta Yo later, but I don’t think just sticking by the show’s song order is clever in this instance for all the reasons I’ve listed. You know, there were quite a few songs that HTT played on their cassette which were never included in the show. You couldn’t have included any of those in this concert? No? Okay, then.

Once their performance comes to a close, Yui ends it off by saying "Sky high!" before we cut to them rushing to get a taxi to the airport. And while they're doing that, Ritsu questions Yui saying sky high?!?!?!?!? WHY ARE YOU QUESTIONING THAT NOW?! Yui literally did this at the beginning of the movie during the bait and switch performance, and none of you had any issues with that, so what makes it so questionable for her to have done it at the end of this concert?! Why does this keep happening?! Literally every single time Yui does something that’s completely in character for her, the others act like it’s insanely weird and questionable for her to do, and I’m getting sick and tired of it! “See? Azusa had every right to doubt Yui when she was reassuring the others that they’d make it on time. They’re literally rushing to the airport right now,” Okay, no, first off, they brought this on themselves by agreeing to do the performance before checking the details, so pinning it on Yui entirely is just unfair, and second, if this is meant to be driving the sentiment that Yui trying to reassure her friends is a bad thing, then I just have even more reasons to hate how she’s treated in this movie! Especially with an additional sentiment driven by the fact that Yui is speaking in a heavily apologetic tone throughout this entire scene!


She has been the only one who has been passionate about performing at the cultural festival in any capacity ever since they signed up for it, and that passion continued up until they finished their performance, but now we have this scene painting it as if her passion, determination and energy now cause problems! Because it wasn’t bad enough that it was being treated as if it didn’t mean shit previously, now it’s being painted as more of a detriment! I'm actually starting to run out of ways to describe how infuriating this all this. Just, why does this movie hate Yui so much? Moving on, they manage to catch a taxi, and as we cut to them inside, Azusa is seen sleeping on Mugi's shoulder.


WHAT?!? What are you talking about?!? I would have assumed that she’s asleep right now because she struggled to sleep well at any point during the London trip, or having to run as much as she had to when heading to the airport, but no, apparently it’s because she worked incredibly hard to make sure the trip went smoothly. And to that, I ask, what did she do?! Okay, I know what she did to contribute to the trip, like buying a lot of books for research and using the map to direct the others on the areas they needed to go, but how would any of those be enough to exhaust her this much? And I can definitely say that nothing she did throughout the trip helped them in regards to getting their exact hotel location, being able to have afternoon tea time at a cafe, or providing the info they would have needed before making the decision to agree to Kawakami's offer to perform at the cultural festival. I get what they’re trying to do with this moment; cement how much Azusa means to the others, but if they wanted to get that point across, having Mugi say that Azusa joining them made the trip all that much more fun would have been a lot better. Oh wait, if they did that, it would have also tied into Yui telling Azusa that the light music wouldn't be complete without her, and considering how she's been treated throughout this movie so far, we can’t have that now, can we?! Then Ritsu does this.

Yeah, sure, just take a picture of Azusa with the sound and flashlight still on, because that totally won't have the risk of waking her up. And keep in mind that she does ths immediately after noting that Azusa’s tired, so it's even more questionable why Ritsu thought this would be okay to do. Oh, fuck it, why am I even surprised?! This is the same character who couldn’t comprehend when someone other than her or her bandmates were speaking Japanese! I’m giving her way too much credit for expecting her to have the knowledge to not do this shit! Moving on, Yui decides that they’ll create the perfect song for Azusa if they just stick to their usual style, and the others have some responses to give to that.


OH, MY, GOD! HOW FAR ARE YOU FUCKERS GONNA REACH TO MAKE YUI OUT TO BE A USELESS MORON?!? This is implying that they never went along with Yui’s idea to make the song for Azusa bigger than any of the other ones they’ve made, which is kind of at odds with this moment where they’re all lost in thought seconds after Yui came up with said idea. You could give the benefit of the doubt that Ritsu and Mugi thought about this sentiment before Yui did during the trip, but there’s absolutely no denying what they’re trying to get across with Mio, and I’m not taking any of that bullshit, especially when it means bringing down Yui even more. Not to mention the fact that they all seemed to be relying on Yui to come up with song lyrics, given how she’s the only one shown to be actually thinking about it, and in spite of that, all that time she spent trying to do that is just painted as an absolute joke! It's agonising that this scene is one of the most frustrating ones in the film, because the music playing over it is genuinely one of the best pieces among the movie's soundtrack, and the lighting and shots are honestly at their absolute best here.

And that marks the end of HTT's London trip, where absolutely nothing that could be considered substantial happened. The movie was way more focused on presenting broken scenarios that came as a result of every character being moronic, enforcing stuff that doesn't belong in a K-On movie at all, and giving Yui the short end of the stick every chance it got than actually showcasing these characters having fun on the London trip or utilising any of the potential that came with HTT being here in the first place, with plenty of instances where said potential was blatantly thrown out the window. Sadly, this is not the end.

The agonising London trip may be over now, but this movie is far from done with its broken bullshit, because we are going to be scraping the bottom of the barrel in the second-to-last part. It may not sound like it, since all there's left to cover are HTT finally bothering to work on the song for Azusa, the conclusion to the semi-conflict between Yui and Azusa, and seeing how it all ties in to the finale of the series, but believe me when I say that these are only going to add on further to the overload of problems covered throughout this analysis. But worst of all, we are also going to be tackling the astronomically offensive nullifications of K-On's strongest and most powerfully written moments. And I cannot wait to tear it to pieces.

Thanks again for reading through all this if you enjoyed, and I'll see you all soon for Part 6 of K-On The Movie: A Betrayal of its Series and Genre. Solaris/Indigo out.

Azusa Nakano Azunyan GIF - Azusa Nakano Azusa Azunyan GIFs 


<<< Part 4                                                                              Part 6 >>>



  1. 2 parts left!
    You have done a great job at explaining the broken dynamics, this is fun to read


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